
La realización de piezas audiovisuales ha sido el resultado de mi trabajo como realizador de videoclips, un enfoque absolutamente personal donde el uso de la técnica y los medios de edición se infunden en la narrativa de una forma natural. Un audiovisual permite enfrentar la creación de video y cine como un músico.

The realization of audiovisual pieces has been the result of my work as a video clip maker, an absolutely personal approach where the use of technique and editing media are infused into the narrative in a natural way. An audiovisual allows to face the creation of video and cinema as a musician




Presented to 66th Grammy Awards

FYC 66th Grammy Awards - Category: Music Film



Music: Miguel Jaubert
Video: Rodrigo Cornejo

reAct es una respuesta, su nombre lo dice, reacción. En nuestro caso una reacción en cadena, sin saber exactamente cual va primero, si una imagen para un sonido, o un sonido que es una imagen en si misma. reAct es un retrato, un auto-retrato, un asumir nuestra realidad...

reAct is a response, its name says it, reaction. In our case, a chain reaction, without knowing exactly which comes first, if an image for a sound, or a sound that is an image itself.



14 días

Music: Miguel Jaubert
Video: Rodrigo Cornejo

Fruto de la pandemia y como respuesta artística a las restricciones a las que tuvimos que someternos como consecuencia del COVID, nació 14 días. Nació como grito a la esperanza, a la ilusión, a la desesperación… como grito al miedo, y a la incertidumbre, a la comunicación y al entretenimiento… un grito a la expresión…


Music: Miguel Jaubert
Video: Rodrigo Cornejo

We have experienced a change in the vision of life, with greater speed, we have less and less time to observe and as a consequence a distorted vision of nature, of the universe, of reality, of us… a refraction.

cH Rn bYL

Music: Miguel Jaubert
Video: Rodrigo Cornejo

CHERNOBYL, one of the largest environmental disasters of humanity, and epicenter in February 2022, again human folly. Always «us against us». This audiovisual is a claim in multiple directions about our ephemeral consciousness and the irresponsibility of our universal existence. CHERNOBYL, uno de los desastres medioambientales más grandes de la humanidad, y epicentro en febrero de 2022, nuevamente la insensatez humana. Siempre “nosotros contra nosotros”…


Music: Miguel Jaubert
Video: Rodrigo Cornejo

Origin is an audiovisual piece made on original music composed and performed by Miguel Jaubert, which seeks to portray a special moment in our most recent history. A pulse that enters the entire work and that also marks the step towards a future or a past, a path, and a reflection on the course that we do not know if it is a round trip

reAct – Music Film
by Rodrigo Cornejo & Miguel Jaubert


Audiovisual created for the promotion-presentation of the album "Rhythm of Imperials" by Miguel Jaubert in official selection at the 2020 Grammy Awards.

Ome Tlamanti

Audiovisual created for the promotion-presentation of the album "High-Low" by Raquel Lojendio and Miguel Jaubert in official selection at the 2021 Grammy Awards.

14 días

Fruto de la pandemia y como respuesta artística a las restricciones a las que tuvimos que someternos como consecuencia del COVID, nació 14 días. Nació como grito a la esperanza, a la ilusión, a la desesperación

by Rodrigo Cornejo & Miguel Jaubert

CHERNOBYL, one of the largest environmental disasters of humanity, and epicenter in February 2022, again human folly. Always «us against us». This audiovisual is a claim in multiple directions about our ephemeral consciousness and the irresponsibility of our universal existence...

by Rodrigo Cornejo & Miguel Jaubert

Origin is an audiovisual piece made on original music composed and performed by Miguel Jaubert, which seeks to portray a special moment in our most recent history. A pulse that enters the entire work and that also marks the step towards a future or a past, a path, and a reflection on the course that we do not know if it is a round trip...

by Rodrigo Cornejo & Miguel Jaubert

We have experienced a change in the vision of life, with greater speed, we have less and less time to observe and as a consequence a distorted vision of nature, of the universe, of reality, of us... a refraction...