by Rodrigo Cornejo & Miguel Jaubert

Rodrigo Cornejo & Miguel Jaubert





ORIGIN – Audiovisual: Una reflexión sobre el transcurso, el origen y el destino.
From the Album «Mösting 3º12’S 5º12’O
Music > Miguel Jaubert + Video > Rodrigo Cornejo
Una producción de Anaga Classics, con música de Miguel Jaubert y Video de Rodrigo Cornejo. Con distribución Internacional ya obtuvo su primer reconocimiento.

Origin is an audiovisual piece made on original music composed and performed by Miguel Jaubert, which seeks to portray a special moment in our most recent history. A pulse that enters the entire work and that also marks the step towards a future or a past, a path, and a reflection on the course that we do not know if it is a round trip.

Professional Creative, Graphic Designer, Painter, Engraver, Video Maker, Communication and Internet Expert, Art Director, Digital Creator. Graduated Cum Laude in Fine Arts from the University of Chile, Alcalá de Henares University Scholarship, he studied and not finish doctoral studies at the Complutense University of Madrid. His work is developed between his artistic work and the development of design, image and communication with a special emphasis on music and cultural production.

Cello player, self-taught guitarist and composer. He studied with Lluis Claret and Raphael Wallfisch. He has been a member of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra and has belonged and composed for dance groups, theater, contemporary music, alternative, jazzrock, fusion, multimedia, audiovisual … He has a large number of recordings of his own songs in CDs and other formats. He is currently Vice Principal and cello teacher at the Conservatorio Superior de Música Canarias, Tenerife and also artistic director of  the label and record platform Anaga Classics. He is a member of the group Major Tom Project, Iki-Gai Tube with Axu Peña. He is currently immersed in the projects; MÖSTING, cello, Sissi del Castillo percussion and Rodrigo Cornejo Visuals, a duo with Reaasri, singer from Malaysia and the latest project with the soprano Raquel Lojendio.


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